Meet Our Team

Endy Ong
Financial Services Associate Director

Loyalty is a two-way street, if I ask of it from you, you are getting it from me

I had the ultimate joy of taking my fate in my own hands, and grew my personal business from a make shift table to a cosy room, from a one-man show to having an administrative team, a business development and marketing team, and a group of Financial Services Consultants handling protection, wealth and claims servicing.

In any extremely dynamic era that we thrive in, it is essential that as a leader, I grasp the concept of “Money and Motivation”. It is an intricate balance of the old and new worlds, understanding that while we are practical in our daily undertakings, we are still governed by our laws of integrity.

What makes a good combination is “Willing Teacher, Willing Student”. Both roles must be present to make this cosmic match happen. I devote my time to my people and in return they give me their best moments, to relish and delight.

This is passion driven at it’s purest form.


Meet My Financial Services Consultants

  • Winnie Yeo

    Specializes in Claims Servicing and Protection

    Live, Love and Laugh

    A Coffee addict and foodie at heart, who is always ready to lend a listening ear.

    Having joined the industry more than 10 years ago, the irony in life is that my first critical illness claim was within my own family. Armed with personal first-hand experience, I help others in protecting themselves and their families, just as how I navigated through those tough times.

    Being in the industry is a huge eye opener for me. When I walk together hand in hand with clients through their ups and downs, I almost always develop a new found appreciation for life. Life is too short to sweat on the small stuff. Do what you always dreamed of doing and do not wait till it is too late.

    I can walk this path with you, appreciating life yet be ready for the uncertainties.

  • Amanda Wee

    Specializes in Claims Servicing and Protection

    Be the change you wish to see in the world

    I’m an avid traveller who loves to travel off the beaten track, indulge in delicious food and enjoy the fine art of photography.

    There’s more to this career than meets the eye. While on the surface I seem to be helping families and individuals in the financial planning, what I am truly passionate about is the intrinsic value I bring to their lives by doing what I do best.

    The trust and relationships I have cultivated with my clients are worth every bit of effort i have spent with them.

    Planning for life’s financial adversities should be simple and be made centered all about you and your needs! If we can establish that, our journey ahead will be built based on trust, respect and empathy.

    I seek first to understand, then be understood. You can see the positive changes I make.

  • Eva Ong

    Specializes in Claims Servicing and Protection

    Once you make a decision, the universe conspires to make it happen

    I believe in the values of combining working hard and working smart.

    Being disciplined is the core to my success and always make sure that I am dependable in all situations.

    I have helped countless people file claims effectively from the various policies that they have purchased and educating them on protection and investment strategies that are suited for their risk preference and lifestyle.

    I embarked on this career knowing and practising the value of a good service which has been a motto I live by both in personal and professional field.

    The decision is yours to make today, I know I can help your tomorrow.

  • Goh Xue Xun

    Specializes in Claims Servicing and Wealth

    Do what is right, not what is easy

    I am a perfectionist at heart and believe in giving my best to everything I do. Discipline and integrity forms the backbone of all my decisions.

    Over the past few years in the industry, I have helped numerous clients successfully claim for their treatments, while at the same time, growing their wealth year on year.

    I am also conducting free investment sharing sessions to teach financial literacy and build a supportive community.

    My goal is to bring everyone to a comfortable financial situation they once thought was impossible.

    Coffee is on me when you are ready to take charge of your financial journey.

  • Derek Ting

    Specializes in Claims Servicing and Wealth

    Practise like you have never won, perform like you have never lost

    Good music coupled with a good cup of coffee kick starts everyday for me and puts me into a momentum that drives to perform my role.

    I know that everyone wants to achieve their financial freedom, as well as protecting themselves and their family members in times of need. The main question is how to do this effectively and to avoid the pitfalls of making wrong decisions.

    I believe in a process flow and a system that helps every individuals elevate their current situation. Most just need to know how to take the first step.

    This industry has taught me to never leave things to fate, you are in control and the day you lose control, is the day that is too late for you to make a decision.

    Learn how to build a suitable wealth and protection coverage for yourself today.

  • Rachel Lee

    Specializes in Claims Servicing and Protection

    You do not find a happy life. You make it

    People describe me as bubbly and energetic. I cannot deny that this has been my trademark as a young lady stepping into adulthood.

    A good melting pot of my personal history and knowledge gained in this industry allows me to appreciate the world through the eyes of individuals that I meet in the course of my work.

    This view point allows me to work effectively with many clients to appreciate the importance of protecting themselves financially.

    This is what I mean by making a happy life and not finding it.

  • Xue Ning

    Specializes in Claims Servicing and Protection

    We only live once, let us make this life worth living for

    My friends would say that I am too honest for this world, but I believe that life is really that simple.

    Do what makes you happy, grow and learn from the sometimes harsh lessons in life. Take everything positively.

    Making the bold step to join this industry gives me the opportunity to prove that life is more than just all about myself. It is also about the everyday people I meet, and to be a part of their journey to achieve their dreams. to help them do what makes a positive outcome of life and though this, one person at a time, we can make this world a better place.

    Having came from a humble background, I understand the pains of life and though this platform, I aim to elevate each others’ life and, in turn, make my life more fulfilling.

  • Jovan Ngam

    Specializes in Claims Servicing and Wealth

    Do good and good will come to you

    Strong-willed and driven, I take strong pride in everything I do & ensure I always give my all. As an individual with an empathetic nature, caring & looking out for people are things that are crucial in my everyday life.

    I hold true to my values & morals in both my personal & work life. With the aim to prioritise my clients needs above mine, I hope to serve well & be of great assistance.

    Fun fact, my friends would describe me as a coconut, hard on the outside & soft on the inside.

  • Chloe Chong

    Specializes in Claims Servicing and Protection

    If you can dream, you can do it.

    Cheerful & people-person are words that come to minds when being asked to describe me. With a joyful nature, I love meeting & interacting with people from everywhere! I think the number of friends I’ve made each time I’m overseas speaks great volume.

    Yearning to always be the best I can, I constantly strive to equip myself with both vital soft & hard skills that I believe are necessary in this industry.

    I would love to be granted the opportunity to be a familiar face & help anyone in need.

  • Heidi Boon

    Specializes in Claims Servicing and Protection

    Turn your face towards the sun, and shadows will fall behind you

    This job is about the people. And there is a lot of heart in this line of work that people often overlook.

    I joined this industry because my very own father could not make a claim from a policy that he had bought. What he thought was meant to save him ended up costing him his entire retirement.

    Experiencing first hand how important it is to know how to manage a claim motivated me to give it my all to make sure no one else suffers the same fate as him.

    We all have stories to tell, we all have our own paths to walk.

    Be it rain or shine, count on me to be there at every milestone of your life.

    From strangers to clients, and from clients to friends, your life will merge with mine as we walk hand-in-hand to navigate the ups and downs through this beautiful, at times tumultuous, but always rewarding, journey of life.